Yearly Archives: 2008

The Oasis Lives!

Oasis Express in Oregon

Oasis Express in Oregon

The westcoast mobile sauna fleet has a new flagship, the Oasis! Built by Ryan from the crafters collective in Portland, this one is built in an airstream trailer and powered by a wood fired Harvia stove. We’re still waiting for the full details from Ryan, but saunasessions veteran Max Ulis had a chance to sweat it up in the Oasis at Emrg+n+see! His review? Great woodwork, could be hotter. Max is a hardcore sauna pro, though; from other reports on the web, this box is blowing people’s minds as it heats up the west coast this summer. Stay tuned for more photos!c

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Sauna Sessions deep in the Wilderness

Funkoree Sweat 2008

Funkoree Sweat 2008

Last weekend at Funkoree Karlis our sauna master whipped together a sauna sweat usig only a pocket knife, tarps, cedar bows and a propane powered stove.

Many people were deeply heated that night allowing them to jump into the river un-chilled by the cold mountain night air.

“The best thing about a sauna party is you leave more healthy then when you arrived”

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Return of Island Butt

A little mid-week special session to welcome back Prawns to Vancouver after a 2-year leave got really serious. So much tea, chocolate and reefer that we had Woodhead busting his gut all night. We were all really impressed with our cleverness at the time, but maybe it was the moment. Just to give you an idea, Prawns was so high he put lapsang suchong in the tiequanyin pot. At least we hatched some new plans to sweat down at spanish banks, so stay tuned. . .

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