Halvatuun Papat
Halvatuun Papat
Iisalmi Saunaboat
Besides the sauna boat of my friends here in Iisalmi is at least two other sauna boats. Also in Iisalmi a group called Halavatun Papat has a moped sauna. Here is more information
– Ilkka Rytk
Sauna “Tarzan”
The Physics students’ club, Hiukkanen, built a transportable sauna in the summer ’97. It has been present in several happenings ever since. These photos are taken in front of TUT’s Konetalo during the new students’ fair and at Senaatintori during the Teekkaritempaus. Since 1997 it has been rebuilt and upgraded. The sauna is reported to fit up to 37 people, and hosts a tarzan-yell challenge every year.
A canoe rental company in Estonia uses this little van sauna to warm up after a canoeing expedition.
Wood stove, seats at least three, with a cold-dunk canoe filled with ice water.
Sauna Rekka
Saunarekkas new, highly presentable sauna room is spacious yet cosy. New technologies and natural building materials result in a pleasing appearance and workable unit. The sauna experience feels very real, just like having a
true Finnish sauna.
The final word on mobile saunas. Saunarekka (Saunatruck) is a 17 metres long combination vehicle. It consists of semi-trailer lorry and on top of which the genuine Finnish HONKA log sauna has been built.
You can now go for something totally different and hold a truly memorable occasion for business partners, friends and family.
The truck can be rented out for variety of events throughout the year.
The spacious cabinet has room for a small crowd. The functional kitchen is equipped for preparation of tasty treats.
The cabinet can also double up as a bar; depending on the occasion and the nature of company.
Saunarekka is equipped with:
The kitchen is equipped for snack preparation
The equipment includes TV, fridge and a grill
Continuously heated Honka log sauna
Wood burning and an electric stove
A container over the stove for heating hot water
A water store for 1000 litres
Grey water cylinder for 1000 litres
An electric high pressure shower
Lighting; LEDs and halogen fittings
Its own electrical system
DVD player and radio
A terrace for cooling down
A kitchen / bar for 10-20 people
Kitchen equipment; gas grill and a fridge
Towing vehicle: Volvo FH12
Lauri H
Autosaun is a rental mobile sauna truck in Estonia. In addition to the sauna, the full-featured deluxe interior includes a sink, shower, fridge, and stereo system.
There’s some interesting details on the stove that we’re still trying to figure out.
Autosaun teams up with arcticspa.ee for the hot-tub/sauna experience.
Contact Autosaun mob: +372 5333 0000 | tarvo@autosaun.ee
The first official SAUNAAB tests in Farges, France.
For quite some time ago Magnus B. aquired a 1980 SAAB 900 5-door from a swedish friend, Jakob W. He left CERN and could not bring his old SAAB with him back to Sweden. So as usual Magnus B. took the opportunity and adopted the SAAB. But one fine day in May 2002 Magnus B. found himself running out of space in his SAAB hangar (as usual). Something had to be done. The “Jakob’s old SAAB” was, well, quite rusty and Magnus B. had anyway taken it to pieces and saved all the usable parts. There was the chassis and some odd pieces here and there left on the car.
Being a little bit sentimental and reluctant in scrapping an old trusty SAAB Magnus B. tried to come up with some kind of use for the almost-stripped-out chassis… Then suddenly Magnus B. thought of a (crazy?) idea; Building a sauna inside the SAAB! This idea was verified with some other sauna-loving fiends, and of course, this was a good idea. The SAUNAAB construction team was formed! Since this team has members from both Finland and Sweden, the appropriate project names for the car are of course “SAUNAAB” and “SAABASTU”…!
The most important part, however, was not the name, but the work! Now started a ever-increasing rush to beat all odds and have a sauna in a SAAB before autumn! Why this deadline? Because everyone wanted to have a sauna as soon as possible and because the “standard sauna place in Geneva -Bains des Paquis” opened for the season on the 04.10.2002…
The SAUNAAB team had frequent lunch discussions in the planning of the work. The general idea was to get something that worked as soon as possible and fine-tune the details as the project evolved. The interior was of course chosen to be made from real wooden panels. The floor was made from normal boards that were sanded smooth. The stove was for a long time planned to be wood-heated, but over here, (in the region of Geneva) wood is not exactly cheap. And one other little problem with the wooden-heated stove was that it would in any configuration be perhaps a little too high. Another problem from this may be that we could not (perhaps) equip the stove with a sufficient amount of stones. As well as the “risk” of cracking the windshield if the heater would be too high up…
The choice of heating had to be gas. This would allow us to make a low and wide heater to hold a maximum amount of stones to hold the heat for the lheat for the löyly. (löyly is finnish and means “the throwing of water on the stove”) To design a gas stove then we found a suitable stainless “box” that was modified and polished to suit our needs. For the actual heating element, we are currently (05.12.2002) using a burner element that is actually made for a normal gas barbeque. This works quite well but we still need to improve on this area. Another high-power version will be fabricated after the christmas holidays. The goal is to have a “saunable SAAB” in about 15 – 30 minutes max. And this calls for some good heating power! And also it needs to be a cleanly burning flame to not get carbonmonoxide poisoning…! We are not making a gas chamber here even if some “funny” friends advised us to write our last will before we fired up the SAUNAAB for the first time… 😉
Some finishing touches were made, some have to be finished later and some were skipped during the final phase of the construction of the marvellous SAUNAAB. It is a project that is -more or less- constantly being improved.
After some big efforts that were really accelereated in the finishing stages of the construction we finally had the SAAB ready for the first official sauna bathing in the end of September! The SAAB must be transported on a trailer for obvious reasons. But this is no problem since Magnus B. has a car-transporting trailer for some strange reason… 😉
The SAUNAAB was moved to Michael K.’s place for the first tests, here we also may get a nice view if it does not get too dark before we start bathing… We were prepared with some sausages for the barbecue and some baguettes so that we could start by making some hotdogs while the SAUNAAB was heating up. And sure, we had some inaguration champagne. And lots of Lapin Kulta! -Finnish beer. But the sauna itself was of course the most important thing.
So, how was it? -In one word; Excellent!
…Sure, the SAUNAAB may need some minor improvements here and there but the concept works and it is one of the most carismatic saunas ever…! Probably one of the hottest SAABs too… 😉
You can see lots of pictures below the specifications.
SAUNAAB – SAABASTU specifications;
-1980 SAAB 900 5-door Classic
-Black, originally jade green colour.
-No engine =0 horsepower / 0 Nm (previously 8v H engine -that replaced the 8v B engine.)
-Working steering and handbrake on the front wheels.
-Wooden interior, panels on the sides and roof, sanded board floor.
-3 Halogen spotlights, 12V, 20W/light.
-Stainless steel stove, gas heated with propane, normal nature rocks.
-Gas Barbeque on the right front fender, with lava rocks.
-2 opening “doors” =The front right door and the trunk. -“Pushbutton escape button” on the front passenger door.
-4 original SAAB steel wheels.
-Gislaved nord frost (ex-studded) winter tires, illegal thread depth. 😉
-Yellow rockwool insulation in (almost) all hollow parts of the chassis and the doors.
-Seats four people very nicely, can probably seat seven people if needed.
-Cupholder “boards” under the windows and by the rear bench. =The laude.
-Outside temperature -> 65 degrees in approximately 1,5 hours.
-Valmet sauna thermometer. (Valmet!)
-Löyly heat transfer factor; Excellent.
-Bathing athmosphere; Absolutely excellent.
-Idea by Magnus B and Michael K.
-Refining of the idea by Magnus B, Michael K, Antti H, Juha S and Magnus L.
-SAAB car sponsored by Jakob W -and Magnus B.
-SAAB stripped by Magnus B.
-Wood interior by Antti H -and others.
-Stove welding by Juha S.
-Gas work by Magnus B, Antti H, Michael K, Magnus L and Juha S.
-BBQ construction by Antti H, Michael K. and Magnus L.
-Additional steel parts by Antti H, Michael K. and Magnus L.
-Spotlight installation by Antti H and Magnus L.
Special thanks to;
-Wolfgang H and other friends and colleagues for inspiring tips and suggestions.
-Understanding girlfriends and wifes. 🙂
Yours, Magnus B.
The SAUNAAB -Pictures;
Magnus B. is working with stripping out all the interior.
As you can see.
Even the sparks fly. We don’t need a gearstick in the SAUNAAB!
This was the first version of the barbeque.
Later you can see the new mesh that we are using.
The front bench for taking a rest outside for a while.
…And the valves for the gas. BBQ and stove.
Here you can see the design of the stove. Also check out the
“pushbutton escape” on the door. You can also see one of the
benches we made.
The roof is nice and curving panels.
Here you can see the main laude (=bench) and the other small movable benches we made.
One Classic 900 towing a Classic 900 SAUNAAB. No wonder Michael K. is smiling.
Another view of black & white. Normal and special.
…Just had to take another picture where all the Classic 900’s on the parking were visible.
The SAUNAAB overlooking the scenery.
Some more SAABs and Antti H.’s Jaguar.
Antti H. trying the first hotdog, now you see the new mesh on the BBQ too.
Magnus L., Antti H., Michael K. and Juha S. waiting for the SAUNAAB to heat up.
The hotdogs were actually really good!
…And the Lapin Kulta was not bad either…!
The interior. Heating up. Slowly but surely.
Another view.
Yes. It really IS a sauna… Note the Valmet sauna thermometer and the working
handbrake on the left side of the stove.
Wohoo! Time for the SAUNAAB!
It works! A steaming and happy Antti H. is going out to get some more Lapin Kulta.
Questions? Comments?
You can (for instance) mail Magnus B. on the following address;
Verhagen Sauna Caravan
Some pictures of my mobile sauna in a caravan.
The sauna was completed in nov 2004. Since then it has been in Belgium and Slovenia.
One of my hobby’s is wild water kayakking. As a Dutchmen??? Yes, we just have to drive a bit further in able to have fun. The sauna is often being used to heat up after a chilly tour on a cold river. Just perfect!
Greetings, Stefan Verhagen
Aare Saunawagen
Beside our main project of the public Sauna to the Aare this year we tackled our mobile Sauna project.
Andreas Blumenstein in the tub, Fritz Sahli in the car and Stefan kropf/Urs Baumann
We want to give all our members the possibility to sweat in an open, family atmosphere. At the end of October we bought a site trailer, which we converted to a Saunawagen.
On 28 January the Saunawagen was inaugurated with soup and Proseco. Immediately all registered members can acquire 10-pack sauna passes for 10 Franconias. The Saunawagen can be used by members at any time.
Sweat beside the sheep pasture
After sweating a jump into the river. That is the still unrealized dream of the association “Sauna to the Aare”. Now it opens to those in Switzerland the first mobile Freiluftsauna (free air/outdoor sauna). It is in Uettligen.
Flashlight, reading material and towel: requirements for the ultimate rural Saunavergnuegen. These pieces of advice are in the user info on the homepage of the association “Sauna to the Aare”. Filled with the most important Sauna tips, can loose-pull confidently.
The first Freiluftsauna of the region Berne is in a converted site trailer at the periphery of the village of Uettligen on the bio farm of farmer Fritz Sahli. Or rather: behind the farm. And with a free view over green meadows and the
The former site trailer is the first mobile Sauna in Switzerland. The vehicle was converted the last winter in approximately 400 hours by club members. The Sauna with wood furnace and the holzgetaeferte quiescent area can seat six people. Candles provide for cosy lighting. The association invested approximately ten thousand Franconias into the conversion of
the wagon. It was solemnly inaugurated in January with soup and Prosecco.
A “meeting place”
Bio farmer Fritz Sahli has heating of the Sauna well handled: For the recruiting leagues farmer it is a step toward “Agro tourism and
Wellness”. Sahli operates the 28 hectares farm, on its large farm and grainary, runs a bio shop, supplies different shops in the city Berne with its products and entertains guests. It converted a Remise into a seminar area, and Sahli still has more ideas. But the local laws create barriers: Recently it had to remove a pavilion in the yard, because it did not conform with zoning laws. He sees the sow hub impulse of the urban club members and their guests despite additional work as enriching: “the meeting of city and country brings everybody something.”
Freiluftsauna in the Marzili
Even if the sheep watch the naked Saunagaengern and are announced in the open air itself cooling in the bath tub: In the year 2004 the created association “Sauna to the Aare” does not want to be original project to give up: “a public Freiluftsauna and an open-air urban swimming pool, like they already have in Zurich and Geneva – that is and remains our goal”, says Barbara Beyeler. The first Sauna project in the Lorrainebad failed because of lack of resources, now rests hope in the Marzilibad: There soon the “Bueber” must be reorganized. “perhaps that is exactly the right moment for the building of our Freiluftsauna”, says Beyeler.
Only for members
The Saunawagen in Uettligen is open to club members: Members pay an annual 50 Franconias fee, sponsor participate with 200 Franconias. It is possible for members to reserve the Sauna on the internet at www.saunaare.ch. The Saunagang costs 10 Franconias per person, but passes are available also in Sahlis bio shop.